Trinity Musical Theatre Examinations 2024 Enrolment
Creative Collab is delighted to offer the prestigious Trinity College London Musical Theatre Exams for young performers.
Date: March 2025
Exam centre: Trinity College London Sheung Wan Exam Centre
Exam format: Face-to-face exams assessed by an examiner
Please note before registration:
The Exam date and time is decided by Trinity College London. The specific time for each participant will be announced in April 2024
According to Trinity College regulations, the scheduled date and time CANNOT be changed. NO refund of the registration fees and class fees can be arranged if the student is absent on the Exam Day for any reason (including school exams, sickness, or travel)
Deadline: 15 January 2025
Registration fees
Musical Theatre Stage 1 (3-5 yrs) | Young Performers Certificates Silver HK$663
Musical Theatre Stage 1 (3-5 yrs) | Young Performers Certificates Silver HK$663
Musical Theatre Stage 2 (5-7 yrs) | Musical Theatre Grade 1 Exam HK$760
Musical Theatre Stage 3 (7-10 yrs) | Musical Theatre Grade 2 Exam HK$760
Musical Theatre Masterclass | Musical Theatre Grade 4 Group Exam HK$883
Musical Theatre Masterclass | Musical Theatre Grade 5 Group Exam HK$1,010*
*For those who have completed Grade 4 Exam only
Information Links
Young Performers Certificate:
Musical Theatre Graded Exams:
Class Requirements
Students must enrol in the full term from January to March 2024 and attend one regular Musical Theatre class per week
They must fulfil not less than 80% attendance until the Exams have been completed
Graded Exam students may be required to attend extra classes for Exam syllabus practice, if required
Class/Exams Uniform Requirements
Students should wear standard Creative Collab uniform to all classes and exam
Creative Collab will provide costumes and props if required for the Exams
Health and Safety Measures
All participants must follow the health and safety guidelines of Trinity London College and Creative Collab
If a participant feels unwell or does not meet the health and safety guidelines to attend the Exam, Creative Collab reserves the right to withdraw the participant from the Exam. Registration and class fees will not be refunded
Terms and Conditions
Examination Fees
We regret that registration fees and class fees paid for the Trinity College London Examinations 2025 are non-refundable under any circumstances including non-controllable events, medical conditions, and travel
Photography and Other Media
Trinity College London and Creative Collab reserve the right to use photographs/ videos taken in class and on the Exam day for marketing and promotional purposes in media and platforms of their choice
All participants enrolled in the Trinity College London Examinations do so at their own risk and Trinity College London and Creative Collab are not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to students, their family members, and guests as a result of participating in the activity
In case of dispute, Creative Collab reserves the right to any interpretation and the final decision